Thursday 10 December 2020

Archery safety tips

 What's up bloggers it;s your back back with another blog post and this time I'm blogging about the safety tips about my favorite activity at camp Archery 

And I made a slide about Archery safety

What was your favorite activity at camp?


Wednesday 9 December 2020

Green week

 What's up bloggers it's your boy back with another blog post and this time I made a poster about how trash cannot go down the drain


Have you done anything like this before?

Writing shark

 What's up bloggers it's your boy back with another blog post and this time I'm blogging about my piece of writing I did about the whale shark I was very impressed and proud of it.
Have you done anything like this before?


Sina Descriptive sentences

 What's up bloggers it's your boy back with another blog post and this time I'm blogging about Sina and the Eel and I and writing descriptive sentences about some of the objects and Sina


Tuesday 8 December 2020

Kiwi kids news #5

 What's up bloggers it's your boy back with another blog post and this time I'm blogging about how Warner Bros and posting movies online now and I'm very excited because I am a big fan of Warner Bros and I just can't wait.

Do you know any Warner Bros films

Rainbows end

 On Tuesday the 1 of December all of the year sixes went to rainbows end we had so much fun and rode on so many rides and ate yummy food.My favorite ride was probably the power serge because when your going down it feels like your going to fall of.

I mostly hung out with Ryan 

Have you ever been to Rainbows end?

Here are some pictures

wonderopolis #3

 What's up bloggers its your boy back with another blog post and I'm blogging about my 3rd Wonderopolis post and I'm blogging about how spices work
