Wednesday 29 April 2020

My daily adventure

I made a slide about the things I do every day in my bubble
And here it is


  1. that is so lucky when I am at my dad I get to watch TV for like 6 hours then we go for Bike ride one the weekends but at my that a different story

  2. I like this routine, Anjola, it has a nice balance between home learning and some other fun activities. I hope you are also making time to do some fitness such as running, jump jam, juggling soccer balls?

    1. Yes I do and my dad goes to do some exercise as well So I do it with you

  3. Kia ora Anjola. It was great seeing you (from afar) the other day! Sounds like you have been keeping busy and, like Mr P says in the comment above, getting a good balance of home learning and other fun activities. Feel free to jump on our class Google Meet if you get a chance. Mon-Fri 10am.

  4. Wow that sounds original.


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